CX, Product, Business and Service Design

Experience design services leveraging cognitive design that cut to the core of the human experience, translating into purposeful, Data & AI products for our customers.

We utilize cognitive insights and user-focused design to create custom experiences for your customers

Data-driven business alignment

  • Customer and market research insights

  • Discovery and strategy workshops

  • User/customer segmentation and experience mapping


  • Business design, service design, and digital product design

  • Accessibility and inclusive design

  • End-to-end user-centered design programs


  • Visual design and brand strategy

  • Brand guide development

  • Content strategy and storytelling

Product innovation

  • POC to MVP

  • Rapid prototyping

  • User testing

Product enablement

  • Design system development and documentation

  • Design, product, and research operations

  • Product design audits and maintenance

Product commercialization

  • Launch execution

  • Customer engagement

  • Product scale and evolution

Fundamental shifts for more human AI

Task-focused to augmentation of cognition

Rather than just automating tasks, cognitive design starts from the human perspective - how could AI address deficiencies and empower our cognition? The goal is true augmentation.

Imposed design to human co-creation

Our human-centered design process actively co-creates with users, incorporating their perspectives and ideas into solutions that deeply align with how they think and what they value.

Opaque data to hybrid intelligence

We complement data-driven AI approaches with social science understanding to develop solutions attuned to human goals and cognition - achieving hybrid intelligence.

Hyper-personalization to aligning with shared cognition

Cognitive design aligns with common cognitive patterns while allowing personalization - preventing fragmentation of experiences.

Frictionless UX to congruent cognitive experience

Our design pursues deep congruence between how AI operates and natural human cognition - going beyond just optimized surface-level interactions.

Screen-centered design to situated cognition

By designing AI embedded in real-world situations, not just screen-based apps, we enable more seamless and contextual augmentation of human capabilities.

There are three things that distinguish HTEC from others: Exceptional partnership approach, deep care about the created business value, and truly open communication with the management.

– Marko Carevic

Chief Executive Officer at voox

Understanding your customers deeply matters now more than ever. But customer data alone can't unlock truly distinctive engagement. The missing link is human insight.

That's why our experience design services apply cognitive design - the revolutionary approach leveraging empathy, creativity and cross-disciplinary collaboration to build a profound understanding of your customers' deepest motivations and unmet needs.

The results are transformative. Experiences that operate in harmony with human cognition. Distinctive digital products and services that

resonate cognitively and emotionally. AI-driven personalization that balances individuality with shared understanding.

Everything starts with your customers - not technology. Through cognitive design, we can co-create experiences that feel intuitive, empower your customers and build enduring human connections.

The power of cognitive design

Discover how cognitive design not only empowers AI to address deficiencies but actively involves users in the creative process. It goes beyond optimizing surface-level interactions to deeply align with human cognition. The result is a more intuitive, empathetic, and purposeful design that resonates cognitively and emotionally.

AI driven engineering excellence

Witness the shifts from task-focused automation to true augmentation, from imposed design to human co-creation, and from frictionless UX to a congruent cognitive experience. Through cognitive design, we co-create experiences that feel intuitive, empower your customers, and establish enduring human connections. It all begins with understanding your customers deeply, transcending technology to build transformative, emotionally resonant digital products and services.

Co-creating the world we want to live in

From today's trendsetting brands to the startups shaping tomorrow, we collaborate with organizations we respect and applaud. Over two decades, our commitment has been to jointly shape a more open, resilient, and optimistic world alongside our clients.