Knowledge Management

Optimizing enterprise knowledge and content through AI techniques including semantic search, tagging, rules-based recommendations.

Knowledge Management

Optimizing enterprise knowledge and content through AI techniques including semantic search, tagging, rules-based recommendations.

Knowledge Graph Strategy

Develop strategies for mapping enterprise content into structured ontologies using narrow AI techniques focused on specific entities and relationships.

Responsible AI Techniques

Provide guidance on developing narrow AI knowledge solutions upholding transparency and interpretability.

Change Management for Adoption

Formulate plans to drive user adoption of AI-powered knowledge solutions.

AI-Enhanced Document Insights

Improve search, discovery and analysis by applying narrow AI techniques focused on documents.

Conversational Interfaces

Develop conversational interfaces using simple pattern recognition and programmed grammars instead of general natural language processing.

Specialized AI techniques targeted to amplify the value of organizational information and expertise.

Semantic enterprise search

Apply statistical semantics techniques to interpret intent and improve search relevance.

Rules-based expert recommendation

Suggest subject matter experts using simple hardcoded rules defined on skills, experience, and content affinity.

Metadata extraction and tagging

Automatically tag documents with relevant terms by mapping content to curated dictionaries, taxonomies, and knowledge repositories.

Conversational assistants

Build voice and chat interfaces capable of answering common questions by recognizing patterns and programmed grammars.

Graph knowledge mapping

Map relationships between people, content, and concepts using simple yet transparent graph representation techniques.

Adaptive content recommendations

Suggest personalized content tailored to evolving user interests by applying basic collaborative filtering algorithms.

Aggregated search analytics

Surface popular queries, recommend related queries, and summarize search patterns to optimize search relevancy.

Applying specialized AI techniques empowers workers through enhanced access to organizational knowledge, expertise and documents.

By focusing narrowly tailored AI on enterprise knowledge and content, solutions can systematically enhance discoverability, reuse and value extraction. Workers find answers faster, leaders gain data-driven insights, and organizations strengthen institutional intelligence.

Our systematic approach assesses needs, applies purpose-built AI techniques, embeds capabilities into workflows, and provides training - transforming information into an asset amplifying productivity and decision making.

Recommend legal research

Suggest similar cases and relevant briefs to lawyers based on document textual similarities.

Assist software issue resolution

Automatically recommend knowledge base articles and expert engineers for addressing software support tickets.

Enrich media asset metadata

Auto-tag images, videos, and documents to make them discoverable based on visual content analysis.

Map research paper connections

Uncover relationships between research papers and concepts by structuring citation graphs.

Generate executive summaries

Produce abstractive summaries of insights and events tailored for management from internal data.

Recommend complementary products

Suggest additional products likely to be purchased together based on past associative patterns.

Co-creating the world we want to live in

From today's trendsetting brands to the startups shaping tomorrow, we collaborate with organizations we respect and applaud. Over two decades, our commitment has been to jointly shape a more open, resilient, and optimistic world alongside our clients.