Decision Intelligence

Leveraging specialized narrow AI like predictive analytics, simulations, and optimization algorithms to drive confident planning, forecasting, and strategic decisions.

Decision Intelligence

Leveraging specialized narrow AI like predictive analytics, simulations, and optimization algorithms to drive confident planning, forecasting, and strategic decisions.

Decision Intelligence

Leveraging specialized narrow AI like predictive analytics, simulations, and optimization algorithms to drive confident planning, forecasting, and strategic decisions.

Automation Strategy & Planning

Develop strategies and roadmaps to guide clients on scaling automation across the organization, focused on high ROI processes.

Responsible AI Strategy

Provide guidance on developing ethical frameworks and governance for automation solutions upholding transparency, fairness and compliance.

Change Management Strategy

Formulate plans to drive organizational change, user adoption, and digital dexterity required for transformation through intelligent automation.

Our R&D team explores the latest techniques to evolve our decision intelligence solutions and integrate proven practices.

Predictive modeling

Develop statistical and machine learning models to uncover insights and patterns from data.

Simulation systems

Create customizable digital twins and simulations to model scenarios and identify optimal strategies.

Forecasting analytics

Build data-driven systems for accurately predicting future demand, inventory, and other variables.

Risk analytics

Provide tools to systematically identify, analyze, and mitigate organizational risks through data.

Optimization algorithms

Apply mathematical optimization techniques to prescribe actions that maximize desired business outcomes.

Sentiment analysis

Derive insights into customer attitudes, emotions, and perceptions from unstructured data sources.

Decision Intelligence applies proven narrow AI approaches essential for optimizing plans, increasing organizational agility, and enabling data-driven strategic advantages.

By uncovering patterns in data, our experts build accurate forecasting models and quantify risks to guide future plans across business functions. This responsible approach unlocks the power of data-driven decisions.

We systematically assess infrastructure, rapidly prototype analytics, engineer scalable solutions, and upskill teams - instilling an analytics culture focused on applying data to decisions.

Forecast retail demand

Improve retail sales forecasting by modeling product seasonality, promotions, pricing, and other factors influencing consumer demand.

Optimize supply chain

Leverage predictive analytics and simulations to inform optimal inventory policies, logistics plans, and sourcing strategies.

Calculate risk exposures

Quantify portfolio risk and simulate scenarios to determine optimum hedging and mitigation strategies.

Predict churn

Identify high-churn-risk customers based on behavioral data analytics to proactively retain them.

Set dynamic pricing

Determine optimal risk-based pricing across different channels/segments using econometric price elasticity models.

Monitor brand sentiment

Create interactive 3D digital twin models of physical sites and assets for immersive remote inspection and collaboration.

Co-creating the world we want to live in

From today's trendsetting brands to the startups shaping tomorrow, we collaborate with organizations we respect and applaud. Over two decades, our commitment has been to jointly shape a more open, resilient, and optimistic world alongside our clients.